Real Spirituality
SoM exists to help the Poor. But the question is, who exactly is "Poor"? According to SoM, anyone who longs for more happiness is "Poor". Isn't everyone "Poor"? Isn't everyone looking for Happiness (or comfort) in everything we do, from brushing the teeth to going to sleep at night? Since that is true, can't we say that everyone is ready for SoM to satiate their longing for Happiness through Spirituality? Spirituality brings out the Inner Joy of the soul and then one can walk & talk in a state of Inner Joy.
"From Joy we have come, in Joy we live and have our being, and in that sacred Joy we will one day melt again.”
-Taittiriya Upanishad
Spirituality is not just about relieving stress or sadness. It is not about doing Yoga to have a hot body. It is about eradicating lifetimes of sorrow from the roots. It is all about experiencing the inner Joy, inner Love, inner Peace, and discriminative wisdom. It is about getting established in one's true inner nature as a joyful soul. It is not something boring or ancient. It is the most tempting and interesting thing in the universe.