Social–emotional learning (SEL) is an educational method that aims to foster social and emotional skills within school curricula.

The following video explains what Social and Emotional Learning really is.

An organization named Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) was founded in 1994. CASEL defines the five main components of SEL as:

CASEL also defines what it calls the best methods for implementing SEL at different levels, such as classrooms, schools, families and caregivers, and communities. These ideas are intended to help students to live socially and emotionally healthy lives both during and after their time in the school system, improving academic performance by reducing stress.

Early social and emotional development leads to a heightened awareness of emotions in children. When people have unpleasant emotions, they are able to discuss them openly and effectively resolve them, so there is no frustration. They can think things out and take action instead of having a temper tantrum. They have a healthy sense of self-worth because they are able to manage their emotions well.

Attribution: The text content in this section is taken from SEL's Wikipedia Article