Elon Musk's School

From the Wikipedia Article:
Astra Nova School, successor to Ad Astra, is a non-profit online school founded by Elon Musk and Joshua Dahn on the campus of SpaceX. The Washington Post said it was possibly "the most exclusive school in the world". Some consider Astra Nova to be one of the world's most innovative schools, and represents the "next frontier in STEM education."

Takeaway for SoM

This school focusses a lot on Critical Thinking, Project Based Learning, Hands-on & practical work, Problem Solving, unconventional curriculum, etc. In principle, all these are focus areas of SoM too, but the approach may be different. For example: This school teaches children through well-designed computer simulations. SoM will try to achieve similar results through well-designed projects similar to how Buck Institute of Education or Mirambika handles projects.